Eye Care

Quick Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Dark circles under the eyes are a common skin problem. It’s a fact that dark circles are one of the most common facial skin problems. They’re considered unsightly and also, they can make you look tired, sad and even depressed. Dark circles appear due to a number of skin disorders such as blepharitis (inflammation of eyelid glands), allergic reactions, lack of sleep, certain skin conditions like eczema and rosacea, sun damage, heredity and aging. If you’re looking for a quick remedies to get rid of dark circles under your eyes you might want to try this homemade remedy.

Dark Circles
Young woman touching her low eyelids on white background

Some Quick Remedies
Home remedies for dark eye circles will only help reduce the appearance of the condition and not treat it. However, some of these methods are safe for short-term use and will give you some relief until your doctor resolves your problem.

There are some home remedies that can help manage this condition. Some of the more common methods include:
Apply a Cold Compress: Apply a cold compress. One of the most common home remedies for dark eye circles is to apply ice in a plastic bag to the affected area. Lie down with the bag placed over your face and keep it there until it melts. Alternatively, you can take crushed ice cubes and wrap them in a thin towel. Place it over your eyes for around 10 minutes twice a day to remove dark circles under your eyes.

Get extra sleep. If you have an irregular sleeping pattern and you notice that your dark circles have become worse, it’s highly recommended that you set up a regular sleep schedule and get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Try to wake up at around the same time every morning–preferably after sunrise–and avoid napping during the day because it can make your problem worse by making you look tired even when you’re not.

Elevate Your Head: Elevating your head when sleeping or lying down can help improve blood flow under the skin, which can minimize dark discoloration.

Soak With Tea Bags: Tea is loaded with antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in your body that cause cell damage and skin discoloration. This home remedy will not work overnight, but if you continue using this method over time, you should see improvement in discoloration under your eyes. Conceal with makeup you can use concealer to cover up dark.

Use Concealer: If you have dark circles under your eyes and want to hide them, concealer is a great option. You can buy concealer at most drug stores and department stores. Concealer can be applied in many ways, but the most common way is with a brush. Apply concealer to your problem areas, such as your under eye area, with the brush and blend it out with a sponge.

Bottom Line: Because dark circles under your eyes can be caused by several different problems, you’ll want to make an appointment with a dermatologist or other eye specialist for advice. This way, you’ll get the best treatment for your situation, and possibly discover that there’s a simple solution to your problem. But if you don’t have time to make an appointment right away, these quick remedies to get rid of dark circles should help you treat any type of dark circles under your eyes.


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