Skin Care Trend

Hydration vs nourishment

Oil Cleansing Method

Lately, night oil seems to replace night cream. “This oil moisturizes my skin well”… That’s not true! The oil nourishes the skin by providing it with the necessary lipids while a hydrating serum provides the water that the skin needs. So what’s the difference between hydrating and nourishing the skin? We explain the difference between hydrating and nourishing.

Humectant, emollient, occlusive

Humectant, emollient, occlusive: which products moisturize the skin and what products nourish the skin?

– A humectant like glycerin or hyaluronic acid is an ingredient that provides water to the skin: it hydrates it.

– An emollient is a lipid, fat that is provided to the skin like ceramides or jojoba oil: it nourishes it.

– An occlusive will decrease the loss of transepidermal water by forming a film on the skin. To be more precise, an occlusive can be an emollient: shea butter nourishes the skin and reduces transepidermal water loss.

The difference between hydrating and nourishing concerns what we are talking about: do we bring water or fat to the skin? We bring water to dehydrated skin, and flat to dry. The only issue comes in dry skin when by lacking fat, dry skin retains less water as well. Lacking both fat and hydration creates a combination of skin that is both dry and dehydrated skin.

How to choose your moisturizer according to your skin type?

A moisturizer contains humectants to hydrate the skin, emollients to nourish it, and occlusives to reduce water evaporation. The texture of the cream is generally an indication of its composition:

– Creams in gel texture are concentrated in humectants and low in emollients and occlusive: they are suitable and recommended for oily skin.

– Creams with a fluid texture have a good balance between moisturizers, emollients and occlusive agents: they are suitable for normal to combination skin and do not give a feeling of heaviness.

– Creams with a rich texture are concentrated in emollients and occlusive agents: they provide dry skin with the fat it cannot produce.

Do you need a moisturizer?

 We often hear that you have to apply a moisturizer morning and night: it’s wrong! What is true, however, is that you need to hydrate and nourish your skin morning and night. The moisturizer is the answer found by the industry since it hydrates and nourishes the skin.

How can you significantly improve your skin?

 We advise you to always have an extra shot of hydration in your routine, whether it is a hydrating serum or a hydrating lotion. Applying a Vitamin C serum is a perfect first step after cleansing your skin. After that apply the hydrating lotion suitable to your face that is rich in hyaluronic acid.

 In the morning, a serum and a moisturizer are sufficient. At night, it is more complex: your skin undergoes an intensified transepidermal water loss for 8 hours. It is, therefore, necessary to provide hydration but above all to protect it! As a result :

– We cleanse our skin with a gentle cleanser for the skin that does not dehydrate it:

– We apply a lotion, a moisturizing mist, a hydrating serum

– You can then apply a moisturizer or a night oil to seal the hydration in the skin.


If you don’t use a lotion, serum or hydrating booster, you apply at least one moisturizer. Otherwise, you can apply a night oil on top, or cream than oil for those who are not cold in the eyes.

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