Eye Care

8 Ways To Eliminate Eye Bags Below Your Eyes

Under-eye bags are bulges below the eyes. It disfigures the face and makes it look ugly. Lack of sleep is not the only cause of this eye condition, sometimes, it is a gene problem traceable to an uncle, granny, or an aunt far back in your family tree. At times, it is easy to get rid of, but generally, it does not go off totally, requiring some skincare application and other treatment options. If you have this condition, below are 8-ways to fight under-eye bag problems.

If your eye-bag is genetically caused, you need to make some lifestyle changes. Drinking a lot of liquid, especially water, and using a cold compress can reduce eye bags.

Eye Bags

Apart from lack of sleep or genetic causes, below are other reasons for eye-bags

*Chronic tiredness or fatigue
*Pigmentation problems
*UV exposure

8 Ways to remove under-eye bags
1. Teabags

After sipping your tea bag, what do you do with it, throw it away? Stop trashing used tea bags because you can shrink bags and dark circles with them. The best to use is caffeinated tea bags.

Caffeine is a strong antioxidant that could raise blood circulation to your skin, shield against sun rays, and possibly slow down the aging process.

Another type of tea you can use is tea bags. Researches confirm that it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling.

2. Cold compress
For eye bags, forget expensive products when you can get rid of the condition with a simple cold compress. Bring relief to your eye condition by applying cold pressure using ice and soft material. This cold treatment forces blood vessels to tighten speedily bringing some instant but brief relief. Cold compress is easy to create, but if you like, you can also get it near you or order it online.

3. Hydrate
Drink lots of water to maintain constant hydration of your body and skin. Drinking inadequate water daily causes dehydration that causes bags to develop under your eyes. You need to drink at least 8 cups of water daily, but if you can drink more, the better. If you do not like drinking ordinary water, you can try other fluids as they count for your daily total water intake. But fluid with low-calorie alternatives is recommended like flavored, sparkling, or fruit-mixed water.

4. Antihistamine
Allergy conditions can trigger dark circles and puffy eyes, itching, and redness. This irritation is because of the response of your immune structure to allergens or irritants. For allergies caused by under-eye bags, consult your doctor and find out if it is okay to take OTC medications like Zyrtec, Claritin, and Benadryl.

5. Retinol
If you have bag or dark circles, it is time to include retinol cream in your skin eye routine. When using it, focusing on the exact ingredient is important. Retinol is perfect for various skin problems like aging, acne, psoriasis, and some cancers.

Retinol helps in fighting eye bags by promoting collagen production. When buying retinol, go for the one that is specifically produced for skin eye application.

6. Lightning products
Use skin eye product that contains lightening ingredient specially made for the eyes like glycolic acid. You can also apply the hydroquinone ingredient as it can assist in reducing the appearance of circles under the eyes and bags.

However, the use of hydroquinone isn’t advisable, rather nourishes product here

7. Sunscreen product
Shielding your skin from the harmful effect of the sun can assist in handling skin cancer, abnormal aging, and discoloration. Therefore, applying UV protection can as well reduce dark circles and eye bags.

8. Stay elevated during sleep
When sleeping use an extra pillow to raise your head. You can consider buying wedge pillows. When you raise your head, it averts fluid pooling which produces puffiness during sleep.


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