Face Care

Mistakes to Avoid in Skincare

Skincare is just as important as body and mind care. Because just as you choose a certain diet according to your metabolism and goals, you should also know what kind of care your face needs. There are some doubts when carrying out a correct treatment of our skin, but there are some common mistakes when caring for the skin of the face that should disappear from your routine.

Lack of time, changes in temperature or pollution are some factors that lead to the appearance of impurities or the neglected appearance of our skin. But it is in our power to protect our complexion from these agents, and eliminate from our routine those common mistakes that we make without realising it in our day to day when caring for the skin of the face. Know them to be able to change them!

Choosing a product that is not suitable for your skin type

Many times we get carried away by the recommendations, without stopping to think if the product adapts to the needs of our skin. If we have oily skin, we will not be able to use the same moisturiser that is used for dry skin, since each skin has certain characteristics and knowing them is the first step in establishing an ideal facial care routine.

Wash face with hot water

With the arrival of the cold, we bathe our skin in hot water, and this is one of the mistakes that we must stop making when caring for the skin of the face because the high temperatures of the water eliminate the natural protective oils of the outer layer of the skin. skin, causing it to lose luminosity and gain dryness.

In addition, long-term hot water favours ageing and loss of elasticity and resistance. Change the direction of your faucet and go from hot to cold water in your face washes! In this way, you will gain health and freshness, since, in addition to revitalising your skin, it will give you the necessary vitality so that you start the day full of life and energy.

Not using enough or Using exfoliation too much

It is just as bad to make excessive use of the exfoliant (remember that you must use it occasionally throughout the week), as it is to do without it. This product is necessary to remove dead skin cells and obtain a healthy appearance and a smooth and soft texture. However, if it is used abusively, we can eliminate the superficial layer of the skin and make it more vulnerable to the sun, to the burns and irritations it causes.

Zero Hydration

Skin that is not hydrated is more prone to the appearance of roughness, flaking and wrinkles. And even if we use a moisturiser according to our skin type, one of the most common mistakes when caring for facial skin is not supporting it with daily water consumption. Drinking water often improves blood circulation and the elasticity of our skin!

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