Face Care

2 Essential Vitamins For Getting The Perfect Skin Health

Taking in vitamin is as essential as using moisturizers, toners, serums, sunscreens, etc., for skin treatments – it is a matter of caring for the skin inside and outside, and the objective is to achieve a balanced and enhanced skin condition. The skin is the largest organ of the body, so there should be no limit in caring for it taking care of it. Most people only focus on taking care of their skin externally and ignore the internal skincare option. They tend to neglect their supplements and even drink inadequate liquid every day but focus on buying and using the best skincare products for an external purpose only. This practice is erroneous because total skincare should be a two-way thing – inside and outside care.

The benefits of vitamins to the skin are evident in adding vitamins into skin treatments like toners, sunscreen, moisturizers, essence, and other skin health products. Therefore, the therapeutic ability of supplements to the skin is not a theory but a fact, and if you are not using it, start taking it today. Not every vitamin is for the skin, so to help you select the right vitamins for the skin, below are 2-essential vitamins, starting with vitamin D.


Vitamin D
It is a sunlight vitamin because it origins from the sun. When early morning sunlight seeps into your skin, cholesterol turns the ray into vitamin D. After the conversion, it is transferred into the kidneys, liver, and other parts of the body. The vitamins helps in building healthy cells, skin tone and may cure psoriasis.

Because vitamin D is sourced naturally through the sun, constantly using it could lead to scarcity. So, to support the natural supply, there is lab-produced vitamin d. They are manufactured synthetically and integrated into topical skincare products like tonners and body creams.

An example of synthetic vitamin d is calcitriol, which is potent in eliminating psoriasis. The effectiveness is supported in a 2009 research released in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology. They discovered that using calcitriol lessens the quantity of skin irritation and inflammation in sufferers of psoriasis.

A daily intake of 600IU-daily is advised, and if you are an expectant mum or above 70 years, you may require more doses.

Apart from the sun as a source of vitamin D, you can also get it from diets like cereals, yogurt, orange, salmon, cod, and tuna.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C needs no introduction, but you will get it anyway. This vitamin is seen liberally in the outer part of the skin (epidermis) and the inner skin layer (dermis). It has an amazing skin-battling agent. It functions in the production of collagen which assists in maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin c is usually seen in skincare products for anti-aging, purpose, and others.

The oral intake of this vitamin will boost sunscreen product application potency, prevent aging, fast skin healing, and the making of natural collagen. It reduces wrinkles and restores dry skin. The recommended dosage is 1000mg daily. You can get it from citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach, most green leafy vegetables, orange drinks, etc.

Use essentials vitamins to fight skin problems and maintain fantastic skin every day.

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